Technical Courses:
- CS 162: Operating Systems and System Programming (IP)
- CS 161: Computer Security (IP)
- CS 182: Deep Neural Networks (A)
- EECS 126: Probability and Random Processes (A+, 93.35%, Rank 3/154)
- CS 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (A+)
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (A+, +2.28 SD)
- CS 186: Introduction to Database Systems (A)
- CS 61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture, Machine Structures (A+, 97.7%)
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (A+, +2.35 SD)
- CS 61B: Data Structures (A+, 103%)
- EE 16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems II (A+, 116% [Final: 118/90])
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (A, 99.7%)
- EE 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I (A+, 98%)
- Math 53: Multivariable Calculus (A+, 99%)
Business Courses
- UGBA 10: Principles of Business (A+, 97.36%)
- UGBA 100 - Business Communication (IP)
- UGBA 101A - Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions (A)
- UGBA 101B - Macroeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions (IP)
- UGBA 102A: Financial Accounting (A)
- UGBA 102B - Managerial Accounting (A)
- UGBA 103 - Introduction to Finance (IP)
- UGBA 104 - Introduction to Business Analytics (A)
- UGBA 105: Leading People (A-)
- UGBA 106: Marketing (A-)
- UGBA 107: The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business (A)
- UGBA 196.1: Special Topics in Business Administration [Freshman] (A)
- UGBA 196.2 - Special Topics in Business Administration [Junior] (A)
- UGBA 194: Leadership by Persuasion (Pass)
Other College Courses
- CS 195: Social Implications of Computer Technology (Pass)
- UGIS 192D: Supervised Research in Machine Learning Safety (Pass)
- ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management (Pass)
- ECON 1: Introduction to Economics (A-)
High School Classes
- Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Statistics
- AP Microeconomics
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP Chemistry
- AP German Language and Culture
- AP Biology
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- AP United States Government and Politics
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP World History: Modern
- AP Calculus BC